Time heals

2008 May 08

Created by Sheri 16 years ago
Time heals all things they say, Im not so sure. Every single day without you here is still unbearable to me. I miss your laughter, i miss your precious smile and your kisses, I miss the messes you used to make and constantly having to check on you to see what you were into. I miss every single thing about you. My days are so empty and lonely. I long for the day when I will see you again. when i can hold you tightly in my arms and kiss you. You were ripped from this world when you had only just begun to live, there are so many things you will never get to experience which is SO unfair. Losing my child is a pain like no other I have ever felt, one that i dont wish on anyone. I thought I knew what hurt and pain was, But believe me when I say.. I had no idea. My love for you Cayden will live on and on forever and I will NOT let anyone forget you. you are and always will be my precious baby boy and someday I will see you again. Until then all my love baby.